We run an outstanding mentorship programme which helps to produce remarkable results by boosting the academic performances of our students. Our mentorship programme brings together students from different year groups and academic programmes who form one-to-one mentoring relationships with their academic mentors (teachers).
It is flexible, confidential and fits students’ availability and academic preferences. Our students enjoy from a range of benefits; like receiving encouragement and support from their mentors and older students in addition to learning from their experiences; develop strategies for dealing with both personal and academic issues; gain valuable insights into the next stage of students’ college journey, to name a few. Mentors, on the other hand, develop
a range of skills including leadership, communication, personal skills, and personal growth.
Our students are automatically enrolled into this programme which gives them adequate support to settle quickly into their academic schedules.
Students on academic probation are adequately cared for and monitored by their academic mentors and weekly reports are submitted on their behalf for effective support and management.