Frequently asked Questions


What Universities accept your foundation?

Students are not limited in their choice of universities. Our Foundation certificate is accepted in most European countries, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, the USA and most UK universities except ivy league schools which are over-subscribed and only accept A-Levels even from colleges located in the UK.

Is there an accelerated A-levels program?

No. The A-levels programme is an intensive 2-year program.

Is foundation accepted in Nigerian Universities?

Yes. Some Nigerian universities accept our Foundation Certificate.

What are the benefits of your OSSD program?

Generally, the benefits are numerous; ranging from saving cost on high fees of foreign universities, a curriculum with practical life and 21st-century skills, adequate career counselling, excellent university preparation and progression and a dedicated team with a wealth of experience. Specifically, the OSSD program year at our college is counted as a school year in Canada. The student gets an Ontario Student Record, his/her results are sent directly to the Canadian Ministry of Education and a student file is opened for him/her. All these with a saving of more than 60% of the cost of undertaking a college education in Canada and the ancillary costs. These savings can be ploughed back to extend the student’s sojourn at the university to the Masters level.

What are the benefits of your foundation program?

Our Foundation program is affiliated with and validated by a renowned Cambridge college. The program undergoes annual standardization inspections to ensure that it does not operate differently from the program at the Cambridge UK campus which is one of the reasons for its wide acceptance. Our programs are coordinated totally with the UK campus programs and students write joint exams with the students in the UK. The Cambridge College teachers mark our student’s scripts and the certificates carry the logos of both colleges. They are also jointly signed by the principals of The Regent College, Abuja and that of our UK partner college.

What are the benefits of your A-levels program?

Our Cambridge A-level Program is a standardized A-level course with carefully selected, experienced, and dedicated A-Level teachers. Our college is an award-winning one. In the 2018/2019 Cambridge A-Level examination, we received awards of High Achievement in Advanced Subsidiary English Literature and Advanced Subsidiary English Language from the British Council.


How do I apply?

The link to the application form can be found on the APPLY NOW page. All supporting documents (transcript, results, biodata page, birth certificate) should be emailed to [email protected]

When can I apply?

Priority applications for the 2021/20221 session close August 2021. If you hold an offer for any of our programmes, please accept it as soon as possible (by the deadline stated in your offer) to guarantee your place. For more information about the 2021/2022 academic year, please visit our CONTACT US page or Email [email protected].

How many credits do I need to join your program/ what are the minimum grade requirements?

A minimum of 5 credits in IGCSE or WAEC with credits in Mathematics and English Language. For Cambridge A levels, the intending student must score at least a B in each of the subjects he/she intends to offer.

What are the benefits of your OSSD program?

Generally, the benefits are numerous; ranging from saving cost on high fees of foreign universities, a curriculum with practical life and 21st-century skills, adequate career counselling, excellent university preparation and progression and a dedicated team with a wealth of experience. Specifically, the OSSD program year at our college is counted as a school year in Canada. The student gets an Ontario Student Record, his/her results are sent directly to the Canadian Ministry of Education and a student file is opened for him/her. All these with a saving of more than 60% of the cost of undertaking a college education in Canada and the ancillary costs. These savings can be ploughed back to extend the student’s sojourn at the university to the Masters level.

What are the benefits of your foundation program?

Our Foundation program is affiliated with and validated by a renowned Cambridge college. The program undergoes annual standardization inspections to ensure that it does not operate differently from the program at the Cambridge UK campus which is one of the reasons for its wide acceptance. Our programs are coordinated totally with the UK campus programs and students write joint exams with the students in the UK. The Cambridge College teachers mark our student’s scripts and the certificates carry the logos of both colleges. They are also jointly signed by the principals of The Regent College, Abuja and that of our UK partner college.

What are the benefits of your A-levels program?

Our Cambridge A-level Program is a standardized A-level course with carefully selected, experienced, and dedicated A-Level teachers. Our college is an award-winning one. In the 2018/2019 Cambridge A-Level examination, we received awards of High Achievement in Advanced Subsidiary English Literature and Advanced Subsidiary English Language from the British Council.


Is there a scholarship program

For admission into our college, only when we have a scholarship promo, however, when processing university admissions for our students, we have many partner universities that offer our students various scholarships of fees rebates which range from £2000 to £5000 off the first year’s fees for being Regent College students. For brilliant students, we even get rebates of up to £5000 off the fees for every year of the student’s sojourn in the university.

Is there a payment plan for school fees?

Yes. 50% on resumption; 25% to be paid before the second term begins and 25% to be paid before the third term begins.


Is weekly/termly boarding available?

Our boarding facility is available on a termly and a yearly basis only. However, if a student wishes to be a weekly boarder, it would be agreed upon from inception but there are no rebates for this arrangement. Also, students can go home on demand, but their parents /guardians would need to write in requesting the exeat.

Is there a school bus service for day students?

No. Students can be dropped off or driven to and from school by their parents and guardians.

Are pets allowed?

No. Pets are not allowed anywhere in the facility.

Is there visiting day?

No. There is no need for visiting days seeing as our students are allowed to go home during exeat weekends and our boarding is very flexible. Students can go home on request but not close to examinations.

What are your extracurricular activities?

Dancing, football, swimming, community service, and other leadership activities.

What is a typical day at school?

Students usually come into school by 8:15 am, attend a range of carefully curated classes, observe tea break and lunch by 10:30 AM and 2:00 PM respectively. Lectures end at 5:00 PM  but students can leave when they are done with lectures for the day.

Do students have to wear uniforms?

We do not have uniforms, however, we expect all our students to abide by a dress code of approved colours which are stipulated clearly on admission documents.


What can I expect?

All our students are served lunch and a snack during their lunch and tea breaks in the dining halls; our boarders are served breakfast and dinner also.  This cost is included in the fees.

What meals will I be given?

A meal timetable is provided termly.


Are laundry services available?

Yes. Each hall of residence has laundry facilities available for students to use.

What is provided in my room?

All student bedrooms are double ensuite. Each bedroom has  2 beds, 2 mattresses, a free-standing wardrobe, 2 desks, and 2 chairs.

Are smoking and drinking allowed?

No. Students are not allowed to smoke or drink in any of our facilities. Anyone found smoking or drinking on school grounds will be subjected to disciplinary action.


Who do I go to if I run into problems?

If you have a question regarding the facilities in your room of residence or the housekeeping services, please speak to your House Parent. 

If you have a question regarding your school work please speak to the Registrar.

If you have a question regarding catering please speak to the Admin Officer.

If you have a question relating to a welfare issue,  social events, please contact the Marketing Manager.

If you have a question relating to payment of your fees, please speak to the Bursar.

Do you offer a university placement service?

Yes. We have a placement officer that oversees university applications and admissions.

Do you help with visa applications?

We advise on the process and bring in reliable visa counsellors for every programme destination but we do not handle visa processing. We handle every other thing leading to visa processing and we are responsive to all our student’s needs till they board the flight that will take them to their universities. Please note that The Regent College Abuja will not be held liable for the outcome(s) of the visa processing.

Is there extra support for weak students? Are boarding students allowed social outings?

Yes. We have a team of dedicated, experienced, and accredited Advanced Level teachers who monitor the progress of each student individually. Each student gets a mentor who acts in loco parentis for his/her allotted students. If a student falls below a certain level, he is placed on academic probation, booster classes of various types are organized for students who fall behind and their grades are reviewed periodically till they rise above probation. High fliers are also challenged to aim for Cambridge awards.

Are there career advisors?

Yes. Each student is allotted a mentor who guides the student’s academics and behaviour to ensure that his/her time with us is constructive and productive. They act in loco parentis such that all that concerns the students are attended to on behalf of their parents. We have an in-house Psychologist/Guidance Counsellor who in conjunction with the Placement Officer gives Career Guidance and Counselling. We also invite various University placement experts to give our students periodic counselling.

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