The Principal's Welcome

Christiana Ebiai Principal

You are Welcome

You are welcome to the Regent College website. We acquired our present reputation of a high-achieving college amongst Sixth Form Schools in Nigeria due to the individual attention our students are given to ensure they achieve their very best academic outcomes.

We are particular that our students receive support to help them develop skills and academic achievements that qualify them for A-List University admissions. We painstakingly follow through to ensure that our students get placed in the universities that would serve them best in terms of scholarships, student experience, performance and ranking in teaching/research, rating of the university in the student’s choice of profession, industry placements with Fortune 500 companies and eventual job opportunities after graduation.

Our alumni students testify that their sojourn with us set the tone for their university performances. This dedication to outcomes is evidenced in the university results of our alumni, now that we have passed the fifth-year mark and our students are beginning to graduate. We are proud of our numerous first class and second class upper graduates from our alumni. They give us reasons to strive to do more.

Our core values are ‘Respect, Responsibility and Resilience’ and our watchword is impacting the youth who pass through our college to bring forth the Nigeria of our dream in the near future. Our leadership classes are experiential and second to none as such our students leave our domain spoiling to return and build a strong united country.

Our teachers are carefully chosen sixth-form educators who act in loco parentis as mentors for the students and work tirelessly to bring about academic excellence and admirable character traits in their mentees. The atmosphere of our college is friendly but academically driven such that student experience is rich and worthwhile.

We are inspected by our UK and Canadian academic partners to ensure standardization and a good replication of what obtains on their own campuses. Our exams are jointly written and graded for uniformity and standards control.

As you browse through our website, please check out our annual university destinations and outstanding outcomes for a glimpse of our achievements.

Thank you, we look forward to meeting you at The Regent College, Abuja.

Our Vision

The Regent College develops self-managing leaders who assume lifelong responsibility for continuous academic and personal growth and impact the socio-economic development of others in their community.

Our Mission

To provide a learning environment that creates in students a consciousness of their ability to become positive role models armed with the confidence and integrity to succeed in a rapidly changing environment. Our problem based teaching method is creative, practical and purposefully designed to support and assist students in developing self-sufficient skills and career success.

Our Core Values


We take individual responsibility for the consequences of our beliefs and actions. We hold a shared responsibility for creating a better world.


We respect ourselves and others, even those whose perspectives differ from ours. We respect our environment, and commit to creating a sustainable world.


We recover speedily from setbacks and rise to confront challenges with a new enthusiasm and renewed commitment.

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