8:30 | Period 1 | Period 1 |
9:20 | Period 2 | Period 2 |
10:10 | Period 3 | Period3 |
11:00 | Recess | Recess |
11:30 | Period 4 | Period 4 |
12:20 | Period 5 | Period5 |
13:10 | Period 6 | Period 6 |
14:00 | lunch | Lunch |
14:50 | Period 7 | Leadership
15:40 | Period 8 | |
17:00 | De-Registration & End of Day | 16:00
De-Registration & End of Day |
Routines and Procedures
High standards of punctuality are expected from all students. You must arrive at the College by 8:15 and organize yourself for your classes. Punctuality to lessons is imperatives. Teachers reserve the right to disallow late comers from attending a class.
Once you are on the school premises, the College must be able to account for your whereabouts. Registration is important because this is when we do a headcount to determine who is in College and who is not. Registration at The Regent College takes place at the reception every day. You will be expected to clock in every school day. If you are observed to be absent for 2 days running, the College will contact your home to find out why you have been absent. If you are late, you MUST go and inform the Receptionist in the Administrative block, explaining your absence so that College records can be amended. At the end of the day students must attend de-registration at the reception before they leave.
Attendance & Absences
You are required to be in school throughout the school day. Attendance will be recorded at every lesson. If any lessons are missed, it is your responsibility to catch up on the work missed. A central record of attendance is kept for all students. Informing the College in advance of impending absences is required. Where students are out of school without giving notice, as well as when permission is sought but not granted by the school, such absences are categorized as unauthorized. An attendance check will be made half termly. The accumulation of such absences may result in the student not being registered by the College as a candidate for major external examinations. Research has shown that attendance below 90% equates to a drop-in achievement of 1 grade; therefore, The Regent College adheres to a strict attendance policy.
Extra-Curricular Programmes and Activities
You can choose from a wide range of activities across three areas:
- Skills
- Sport
- Service
You will have the opportunity to begin, or continue with, the Duke of Edinburgh Youth Award.
You will also participate in our Leadership Programme which has been designed specially for The Regent College. Aspects of this Programme include;
- Entrepreneurial Leadership
- African Studies & Global Perspectives
- Critical thinking
Students are expected to provide their own writing materials as well as water bottles.
Learning Resource Center
The Learning Resource center is an information center providing electronic and hard copy material for research. Books taken on loan must be returned or renewed after a week. Any books damaged or lost will result in a surcharge to be determined by the College.
The computers in the LRC are to be used ONLY for research purposes, and online learning.
Prohibited Items
The following items must be brought to class: CD Players, iPods, portable music players, PSPs or other handheld electronic games, jewelry, solvents, sweets, chewing gum, real or imitation weapons, fireworks, and bangers.
Mobile Phones
There must be switched off and kept away between 8:15am and 4:30pm. Anyone found with a mobile phone runs the risk of having it confiscated.
Break and Lunch
During break students should go to the cafeteria to have a snack, and should not be in classrooms unless a teacher is present. Lunch is in the cafeteria. Snack break time is 10.30am to 11.00am, while Lunch is 2pm, Mondays to Thursdays and 1pm on Fridays.
Language in school
Students are not to speak Pidgin or Nigerian Languages on the college premises.
Presentation of work
As good practice, your teachers will expect you to take pride in producing clear and neat written work.
School property
Do not write on desk or on walls. Do not damage any school property in any way. Always throw litter, pick it up and put it into the nearest bin. If students are caught damaging school property their parents or guardian will be billed for the repairs.
Stilettoes and slippers are not acceptable college wear.
These must be taken seriously; timelines and deadlines must be observed and work must be of tertiary standard.
Illness and Accident
If you are ill in school or involved in an accident, a teacher must be informed. If you are unable to find help yourself, ask another student to summon help from one of the teachers. You will be given a referral note to the duty nurse at the infirmary. You will normally be given first aid and referred to a hospital if need be.
Any conduct that can be defined as an attack on another student be it physical or verbal will be regarded as bullying. You are not allowed to threaten other students or behave in away that can be described as intimidating. Such behavior is not tolerated at The Regent College and will be taken very seriously.
Writing offensive or provocative statement about other students at the College on social network sites or internet chat rooms is not allowed. Such behavior will be taken very seriously by the College. Students are prohibited from using social networking sites on the school premises.it is mandatory to sign an ‘Acceptance User Policy’ even for the use of personal laptops.
There are two assemblies each term: one at the inception of the term and the second at the end of the term. The highest standards of behavior are expected from all students. At concerts, plays and other events, courtesy to performers and consideration for other members of the audience demand that you are not disruptive in any way.
Jewelry and Valuables
In general, students should not bring valuable jewelry into The Regent College. A simple wristwatch can be won. Girls with pierced ears may wear simple earrings, nothing ornate. Inappropriate jewelry will be confiscated until the end of that term. The school cannot accept any responsibility for valuable items brought into the College in contravention of these rules.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of fire, you will hear a distinctive alarm. The assembly point for students is the muster point at the front of the Academic block (car pack). If the alarm goes during class, you will be led by your teacher. If the alarm goes off during break or lunch, you must make your way to the muster point and line up according to your course and level. Fire Drills take place at regular intervals and walk briskly during the fire drill.
As a Sixth Form school, The Regent College will treat her students as young adults. We expect you to:
- Show each other respect
- Work collaboratively with others
- Maintain positive relationships with stuff
- Take active part in lessons
- Take care of personal and school property
- Be punctual
- Attend all your classes
- Take an active part in school life
- Study, research and prepare for your classes
- Compare assignment and submit on time
- Be proactive
In preparing our students for University and life generally, qualitative feedback is the best approach to rewarding or recognizing acceptable and outstanding behavior.
The reward system will follow one or more of the following procedures;
- The staff member (Teaching, Non-Teaching, Administrator) will complete a merit form specifying the behavior and skill that the student has deployed. This will be submitted for filing and acknowledgement by the Principal at an appropriate time;
- A copy of this statement is handed to the student.
- Record keeping: For future purposes (references/recommendation/placement). A copy is kept for the student in the administration.
- Award of Honour: At the end of each term, these merit forms will be reviewed by the staff and an appropriate reward given. For example, a consistent behavior that indicates a sense of responsibility may attract a ‘responsibility award’.
The Regent College is committed to a positive approach to behavior. We aim to recognize and reward positive behavior. However, if students fail to comply with the College’s expectations and standards of behavior, appropriate sanction will be applied. Serious infractions and commission of zero tolerance offences may result in temporary or permanent exclusions.
Behavior that attracts temporary or permanent exclusion includes:
- Threatening aggressive behavior towards staff or students
- Verbal abuse or verbal aggression
- Bullying
- Stealing
- Bringing tobacco, alcohol or drugs into the College premises
- Bringing the name of the school into disrepute
- Persistent disregard of college rules and expectations
This list is not exhaustive, and all incidents of similar gravity that occur will warrant similar sanctions. The sanction applied will depend upon the severity of the action.
Available sanctions which will be used prior to exclusion:
- Removal of privileges associated with the College provision
- Exclusion from lessons and group work
- Making up time after College for time lost during the College day
- Removal from trips and expedition
- Removal from recreation times
- Following a different timetable from the normal College day and learning in supervised isolation.